Chief among the objectives of ITP is building technology and curriculum integration capacity among the entire teaching staff in the Issaquah school district. Promethean's Activclassrooms are Issaquah's District Standard, and this year ITP 2.0 has been modified to integrate the Activclassroom into the content and context of this extraordinary program.
The Issaquah learning community is quite fortunate to have the leadership team of Colleen Dixon, Eric Ensey, Leslie Lederman, Rich Butler and Josh Moore. These outstanding educators were themselves involved in the Washington State Teacher Leadership Project (TLP) funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation nearly ten years ago. This project was so successful that the team decided to replicate the initiative in-house - which, incidentally, was the original intent of TLP, though few districts in Washington took on this charge.
I've known Colleen, Eric and Leslie for a number of years as I was part of the team that developed and supported both the Gates Foundation-funded Teacher Leadership Project and the Smart Tools Academy for Washington Principals and Superintendents.
Rather than learning technology tools in a "just-in-case" mode, ITP teachers are learning about the theoretical underpinnings of constructivism in general and the work of the Russian Psychologist Lev Vygotksy and his conceptual Zone of Proximal Development in particular. It is within this new cognitive framework that teachers are honing their curriculum and instructional design skills by collaboratively building digital learning scaffolds to help organize, support and extend student thinking, creativity, conceptual understanding and knowledge construction.
When teachers build digital learning scaffolds they judge the potential benefits by using the following guiding questions:
*Is any NEW, DEEPER or CREATIVE LEARNING taking place?
*Is it developing a Core Thinking Skill?
*Would it be better suited for paper and pencil?
*What value did technology add to the lesson?"
Core Thinking Skills
The Core Thinking are skills are deemed essential to using information in the learning process and include:
*Improving communication
* Locating and harvesting information
*Organizing information into new formats
*Analyzing information
*Producing reports and new products
*Evaluating throughout the learning process
The overarching understanding for ITP is, "Throughout life, our students will understand and apply current and emerging technologies to extend their personal abilities and productivity. Based on this key assumption, how can digital immigrants best teach so that digital natives can best learn?" This imperative came from the Issaquah School Boards' Learning Ends for Students: http://www.issaquah.wednet.edu/board/new_ends.asp.
This is an essential question that faces all of today's educators and will continue to challenge new and emerging generations of educators to come. The teachers enrolled in the ITP project are boldly facing this challenge head on. Now equipped with 21st Century learning environments, Issaquah teachers are more prepared than ever to meet the learning needs of the digital natives they'll see in September.
For more information about ITP, please contact Issaquah Director of Educational Technology Collen Dixon, or Instructional Technology Specialists Eric Ensey or Leslie Lederman.
It was such a treat to have you join us during our first ITP 2.0 session. Your insights, knowledge of research, and sense of humor added tremendously to the experience for all. Thanks again and I will see you soon!
:) Leslie
I wanted to thank you for coming and sitting in with us. Your experience, knowledge, passion and vision inspired all of us and reminded us of why we are in this business. I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions about everything from wikinomics to the art of storytelling to great places to mountain bike. I look forward to working more with you in the future and until then keeping up here at Activthoughts!
Thank you for your help and inspiration at ITP. You have an amazing balance between big picture and interesting details,and seem to juggle creativity and practicality really well. I appreciate your support as I worked through my ACTIVboard projects.
Nona Wright
How fortunate we were to have you join us for the week at ITP 2.0! What a great mix of technical learning, educational philosophy discussions, and collaboration between like-minded professionals. It was great to learn with you and from you. I left, and continue to feel, driven to meet kids where they're at, using technology to foster as much learning as the year will allow. Finally, I thank you in advance for your cooperation, collaboration, and support throughout this upcoming year. My Promethean products will no doubt make this my most productive year so far!
Hope to work with you again soon,
Josh Berg
Leslie, Josh, Josh and Nona,
In my mind, you represent the best and the brightest that public eduation has to offer. Your students, staff and parents are indeed fortunate to have such passionate, creative and empathetic teachers leading their respective learning communities. I look forward to working with you all soon!
All the best,
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